Smart Ideas For
Better Places

Smart Ideas For
Better Places

Market Beat

Market Beat is a multinational organization dedicated to the research and development of its own technology, for the creation of intelligent spaces, helping points of sale, shopping centers to improve their environment and increase their

Smart spaces contribute to the reduction of operating and advertising costs at points of sale, as they are automated, programmed and with rapid updates via the internet.In addition, with an integrated people counter, it contributes to the measurement and optimization of sales efforts. The incorporation of the appropriate technology contributes in general, in the happiness of the buyers.

Finally, our technology and 24/7 technical service in Spanish controls, measures and
interacts in each smart space for a better service.

It’s time to use emerging technologies and artificial intelligence at prices that every
business you can pay. This is Market

Emerging Technology:

Market Beat has been recognized as one of the pioneering and innovative companies in emerging technology for point of sale, achieving technology patents for its people counters for commercial premises. Additionally, the organization has developed its own background music licenses, survey systems for points of sale and centralized technology for the control of digital signage or digital billboards

Música para tiendas

Programación de contenido

Ambiental music

We create smart spaces with background music dedicated to your company. All our technology is our own, patented and constantly updated, nominated and winner of different distinctions for innovation and

People counter

The data generated by our people counter for businesses and shopping centers is instrumental in improving the conversion rate, marketing and sales

Customer sastisfacion survey

Find out if you if your customers are satisfied with your service. Do you have the item they were looking for? what new products would they like you to have? Does your sales team treat your customers well? How did you your customers find your store

Content Schedulling

Now,distributing seasonal promotions and communication is faster,cheaper and easier thanks to digital billboards- better known as digital signage.Digital signage is based on screens placed inside stores or restaurants(even as a digital menu) and that can be updated as needed, by time of day,date or day of the week