Ambient Music for Business, retail and restaurant chains – in-store radio and instore music

We know that your in-store radio can do more than play instore music. We create personalized radio stations with features like pre-recorded announcements and customized messaging to engage your visitors and associates. With our smart solutions, you’re able to deliver strategic messages or ambient music for business  depending on foot traffic data, time of day or day of week.

In fact, since 2008 we have provided branded radio stations for corporations in several different countries, including the US, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Colombia, Peru and we continue to grow.

We know that your in-store radio can do more than play music. We create personalized radio stations with features like pre-recorded announcements and customized messaging to engage your visitors and associates. With our smart solutions, you’re able to deliver strategic messages or music depending on traffic, time of day or day of week. Experience the best ambient music for business.

In fact, since 2008 we have provided branded radio stations for corporations in several different countries, including the US, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Colombia, Peru and we continue to grow.

Two women sharing a beer at a restaurant with hip ambient music for business

Centralized background music for your business:
The Sound of Your Brand, Everywhere.

Our in-store radio service for retail and restaurants provides centralized administration of all audio in your locations, allowing music segmentation and promotions by geographic location, buyer profile or store format.

The installation of U-Hear, our background music service, can be done quickly and cost-effectively though our Music App for Business or by using one of our U-Hear Plug & Play devices.

Each store location will be connected to your corporate profile, where we will identify the branch and assign it to a music profile (this can be changed at any time).

From your InStore music control panel, you can manage the music selection for individual branches, for all stores in a format, of for all of your locations at once, adding promotions or messages to employees if you need to.

In case of doubt, a corporate support agent will be always ready to assist you in managing your private in-store radio.

Next Generation
In-Store Audio Marketing and Ambient Music for Business

Our in-store radio service is a great way to increase the engagement of your customers and employees.

The installation of our background music is fast and easy, giving you the ability to use our advanced radio tools to serve each branch its own sound profile and make promotions or announcements for products or sales based on that location

Our in-store radio service is a great way to increase the engagement of your customers and employees.

The installation of our instore music service is fast and easy, giving you the ability to use our advanced radio tools to serve each branch its own sound profile and make promotions or announcements for products or sales based on that location and strategy.

Our vast collection of music for retail includes all genres, including those that recent studies place as being the best music for shoppers across generations.

Man listening to his favorite music - popular music for in-store radio

10 Benefits of Background Ambient Music for Business and In-Store Radio by Market Beat

1. Audio Branding: Environment in tune with your brand.

Our team of experts collaborate with you to achieve a musical selection that is consistent with your brand, the profile of your buyers and the average visit time.

Our centralized technology, will allow music, its additions or rotations, are quickly distributed to all its branches, ensuring a uniform visiting experience.

This In this way, each client who enters one of your premises will have a similar experience and in tune with the personality of your brand.

2. High variety and music selection update

Our company has people who are experts in radio, monitoring global trends in musical aspects.

Currently we have a wide selection of background music for venues shops or restaurants, including popular hits, big music classics and independent novelties.

Our musical advisor can recommend works to add or remove from your radio or new musical segments that you can consider.

Our solution does not use fixed playlists and is in periodic rotation, preventing frequent customers (or the same personal) get bored with the music or “know by heart” what It comes after.

3. Music option without copyrights or music free of rights.

Companies that want to publicly release commercial music are obliged to pay for copyrights, reproduction rights or public communication and related rights. This is normally done by through Collective Management Entities (EGC) that are duly accredited in each country. For companies that make these payments, we offer technological services that will allow them to reproduce the works that they want to make sound in their establishments.

Without However, there are many businesses that cannot pay the fees imposed by the Collective Management Entities, or simply only they want to have a nice environment but they are not interested in be the hits of the moment.

Whatever the case (we have seen several), our solution offers a music option without copyrights or royalty-free music managed by the EGC.

4. Centralized management of background music for branches

From wherever you are you can enter our platform and manage what is heard in all its branches or in one in particular. All background music, promotions and messages can be scheduled in advance by dates, days of the week or range of hours. You decide and control.

5. No ads from the competition

We know that many businesses place an open radio or a channel of YouTube as background music. These usually have ads commercial of third parties and in more than one case may be your direct competition.

U-Hear, being a solution personalized for you, guaranteed not to be overheard business from your competition. You decide what you want to be listen, on what days, hours and business premises.

6. Economic

Our technology has been designed and developed to be accessible to any Latin American business, regardless of industry or Location. For the above, having your own personalized radio for your background music, or even make your entire store smart, It will always be very cheap. Guaranteed.

7. Management of audio notifications for employees

You will be able to program messages for your employees, so that they sound before they open the doors to the public and after they close them. Some of our customers use the audio system to send motivational messages, remember opening or closing processes, or knowledge capsules.

8. No internet dependency

Although our technology uses the Internet, it does not depend on it. Their background music and commercial pattern will continue to play forever, without cuts or poor quality, even if your Internet provider fails.

9. Technical support in Spanish 24/7

Hello? Hello? Bonjour? It has happened to all of us. We got a solution technological and when technical support is needed, it is offer a person in India speaking in English, German or French. In Market Beat all technical support is offered by Latino staff American, in Spanish, in appropriate time zones and knowledgeable about our jargons and idioms (of several, at least).

10. Option to generate income

It is a reality that the traditional media have been impacted and they are in decline. However, new media is on the rise. Some of our clients have opened their private radio station (in-store radio) for other brands to advertise. In this way, your points of sale become an interesting medium and generate income additional.